Resident Animals
The Sharon Audubon Center is currently home to 22 non-releasable birds (16 different species.) The majority of the birds are housed in large outside, predator-proof aviaries that are filled with natural vegetation and various perching options. The birds are used as ambassadors for their species, accompanying Audubon Staff to education programs at schools, community events, and other venues teaching thousands of people about the importance of protecting these amazing animals and their natural habitats.
Many of the reptiles that are housed at the Center were either once pets who could no longer be cared for or have injuries that prevent them from surviving in the wild. All of our animals are treated with respect and given the best possible care including fresh food, water, veterinary checks and enrichment activities.
Learn more about our Resident Animals.
You can help support the animals at Audubon Sharon by participating in our Adopt-an-Animal Program.
A special thanks to James Ginnetty for most of the photos used on these Resident Animal pages.
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