The Kern River Preserve was named a beneficiary in the will of local artist, Robert Linden. Bob's bequest of over twenty-two thousand dollars is one of the largest gifts that we have ever received from an individual. He enjoyed taking his beloved dog, Sophie, on walks along the Kern River while taking in the beauty of preserve's magnificent forest. As a former city person, Bob appreciated the uniqueness of our area and through his executor chose to help protect local open spaces. His legacy will live on while supporting Outreach and Education, Land Protection, Research and Land Stewardship at the Kern River Preserve. Our staff and volunteers will work to use this generous gift to the best of our ability to honor Bob and his love for wildlife and nature.
Is is easy to follow Bob's example and help the Kern River Preserve to protect this land in perpetuity. Planned giving is one of the most powerful ways for an individual or family to help create a lasting benefit for the wildlife, the land and the people at this Preserve. It is really simple to do just follow the instructions on this page.
An anonymous donor left a permanent contribution to Kern River Preserve which will be used to reroof two buildings used by our staff and visitors. Without a roof over the staffs head, we couldn't continue our important work. We are so thankful to our benefactor and hope you will consider donating all or part of your estate to help endow Audubon to continue this valuable work at the Kern River Preserve.
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